Devlog 01-01-2018

Version 0.6 of Figh the Cancer is out now! Go check it out!

With this new version Fight the Cancer is now officialy in its bèta phase!

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Devlog 31-12-2017

As  you know I said the full game will release on the 1th of January, but we got some delay and on 1 January it will hit version 0.6.

Sorry we couldn't finish the whole game.

But it will be frequently updated!

With every week new levels and more!

So stay tuned, so you don't miss anything!


team VisualGames

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Devlog 26-12-2017

I finished the first boss battle now!

Are you guys excited as I am?

Let me know in the comments!

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devlog 5-12-2017

Hi guys,

Today I added a new level and I added subtitles for the ones who are deaf or can't hear my voice very well.

Tomorrow I can't work further on my game because I will go to Germany.


team VisualGames

(Reminder the updates are only for the full version (it's free) The full version will be released on the 1th of January)

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Devlog 4-12-2017

First there was no collision with the red and the cancer cell. Now there is!

I also added a mission briefin because it looks cool!

Next update is subtitles!


Follow me to stay up-to-date!

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